DIY Tod School: Language Activity Guide

Fun & simple Montessori-inspired language activities for your toddler

You know you want to support your little one's language development at home — but where do you start?

Between tracking down age-appropriate activities for your toddler and, you know, managing the rest of your life, it's easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many things to research...

  • What language & literacy skills does your toddler actually need to learn?
  • How do you teach your little one in a fun, engaging, and hands-on way?
  • Which activities are best for your child right now, and how can you continue to support their learning as they grow?

DIY Toddler School is a comprehensive, self-paced activity guide designed to answer all your questions (and more).

How does it work?

Instead of a strict week-by-week curriculum, you'll get an open-ended activity guide you can use to navigate your little one's learning adventure however you like.

  • Want to try a new activity with your child every now and then? Awesome!
  • Would you rather plan out daily learning activities? You can do that, too.

Learning is not one-size-fits-all, and you know your child best.

That's why DIY Toddler School offers a practical and flexible approach to fit your family's unique needs, whether you want to build your 18-month-old's vocabulary, prepare your 3-year-old for preschool, or something in between.

This activity guide was lovingly designed with the hundreds of toddlers I've worked with in mind—and their families, too!

Every child deserves high-quality hands-on learning experiences, and every caregiver deserves the opportunity to join in on the fun. 😊

Get started now!

What will you learn?

You'll learn how to help your child develop foundational language and literacy skills through fun and easy Montessori-inspired activities. Here's what we'll cover...

  • Building vocabulary
  • Strengthening and refining listening skills
  • Developing early letter sound awareness
  • Working on sequencing (first, next, last)
  • Gaining critical pre-reading and pre-writing skills
  • And more!


Your Instructor


Hi, I'm Meg, and I'm an early childhood educator with 10+ years of experience working with little ones and their families.

I love helping families get started with Montessori at home in an easy and accessible way. No shame or stress. Just practical ideas to help you raise a happy, curious, and independent toddler without losing your mind.

Ready to get started?

Here's a sneak peek at some of the printables you'll find inside...

Letter sound cards

Fruit classification cards

Rhyming cards

Who is DIY Toddler School for?

This guide is for families who want to introduce Montessori-inspired language and literacy activities to their toddlers (1-3 years old) at home.

There are a mix of activities, including basic and advanced, active and quiet, child-led and adult-guided, and more to help you meet your little one's unique needs.

You don't need any special training or knowledge to get started, either—you'll find everything you need inside your guide, including activity ideas, practical tips, book and material recommendations, exclusive printables, and more.

Hope to see you there!

Get started now!